About Us

When someone asks, “Can you help?”, we say “Yes! And…and… and…”

Creative & Branding & You

You want a partner who goes way beyond a pretty slide presentation and a few conference calls. You want someone who cares as much as you do…and we couldn’t agree more. We know a mutual passion for your brand is the best path forward. Together, we’ll help you ask (and answer) the hard questions. We’ll discover the “why” behind your work and empower you to take action.

Expertise & Accidents

Our collaborative approach is a blend of Gestalt theory, years of industry learnings, and a sprinkle of Bob Ross — we make some big decisions in our little world and embrace any happy accidents.

You bring the brand and inflection point. We bring an inclusive collective of creative advocates to partner with you and your in-house teams to explode what exists, build it stronger, and empower your team to run with it long after.

How We Work Together

The Design Squiggle

The Design Squiggle visualizes our process. We cover a massive amount of ground in the early research phase, gain clarity as we develop a concept, and then design with precise focus. After years of trying different approaches, we’ve landed on this squiggle.

Phase One — Research

We start with a bespoke brand assessment that digs into your competitive landscape, unearths insight, and validates best practices to fuel design decisions.

BIG DECISIONS: “Why” — We will confirm goals, KPIs, measures of success, and known specifications.

Phase Two — Concept

Collaborative drafts are shared to align all stakeholders to agreed-upon concepts. We review together and iterate as needed. Once we all share the same vision for the direction of your brand, we develop tactics and deliverables. You will review and confirm that every detail is ideal in our “final concept.” Upon approval, we move on to design.

BIG DECISIONS: “Where” and “How” — We will confirm the approach, frameworks, technical considerations, and final assets needed.

Phase Three — Create

We will polish and refine the final designs to make sure that everything is just right. Through that process, we will take learnings and iterate through small adjustments to ensure that everything is optimized before we call it “finished.”

BIG DECISIONS: None! We will explore how to push or enhance but there are no major shifts at this point.

How We Prioritize

With > For

Centered on mutual respect and shared goals, we work with our clients. Valuing both the mental and economic investment exchanged with our partners, we prefer to be additive to each other.

Foundation > Fluff

Beauty is fleeting and subjective; we build for strong and lasting success (that also happens to be visually arresting). You put so much work into your brand; we would be doing a disservice to hide and distract it with noise and nonsense.

Impact > Time

We deliver thoughts, not minutes logged. Our greatest ideas have come to us over drinks and in the shower. We are a 24/7 idea-seeking machine and want to share freely.

What We Value

We Celebrate

  • Multi-hyphenate makers and do-ers of the world
  • The complexity that comes with going in a new direction
  • Tension that inspires magic

We Believe

  • Constructive discourse is the first step to designing anything worthwhile
  • Strategic communication is vital for successful commerce and the betterment of society
  • Meaningful impact only happens when people are informed, engaged, and empowered

We Do

  • Partner with you to align your actions to your ambitions and strategize possibilities in your moment of pivot
  • Encourage changemakers (like you!) to articulate your mission
  • Develop the identity and tools to tell the world about your purpose, shift mindsets, and spark exploration

Founder’s Story

Sarah Salvatoriello spent 18+ years working with global media companies, in-house agencies, design studios, and advertising agencies as a Creative Director and Brand Strategist before founding Ampersand & Ampersand. As a maker, armchair psychologist, and ISFJ, she has perfected a holistic approach to creative endeavors. It’s a bit of Gestalt theory, industry learnings, with a sprinkle of Bob Ross, and good ol’ fashioned brand strategy.

When not in front of the computer, she’s experiencing life through the lens of her human toddler and her rescue mutt, @smallpuplongname.

she/they, her/them & her/theirs

Sarah wearing makeup & workwear

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